Your Dental Lab Partner

New to Elite Dental Lab

The New Doctors Form is for dental offices that are new to Elite Dental Lab and would like to receive a Starter Kit and consider partnering with us for your dental lab needs.

All you have to do is fill out some basic information about your dental clinic, and we’ll enroll you on the One-Click Portal™. After creating an account and requesting a Starter Kit, you can send your first case today!

Starter Kit Contents

We’ll send you a Rx pads, our fee schedule, boxes and shipping labels, and our new doctor promotion.

We’ve done everything to make your online interactions fast!

Already have an account? Login.

New Doctors Form

Your Full Name *
Email *
Office Name *
Office Phone *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Choose Password *

Review Our Fee Schedule

Office name *
Your name *
Office email *
Office phone *
Office zip *
Form Name